Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Making a point.

This blog is titled "consequential only to me" because mostly I end up posting things that are related to me, and that likely only me, or my mother, would find interesting. But this time, I actually believe that what I have to say is consequential to everyone... so here goes:

I haven't seen a Rolling Stone magazine in a long time. I'm guessing you haven't either, but you probably heard that the cover features a picture of the guy responsible for the marathon bombings. So Rolling Stone is getting what it wants, attention, but at what will hopefully be an enormous cost to them. I haven't read the article yet, and I wont. I don't care what it says. What I do care about is the feelings of the victims of the tragedy. I also find it offensive that the marketing or editorial dept at that mag (I'm going to stop saying their name now, just like I think we shouldn't use the bombers name) thinks its a good ideas to drum up publicity at the victims expense. The more we talk about this issue, the happier the mag is because as everyone in marketing knows, no press is bad press, its just press that needs to be spun. So instead of talking about it, lets talk with the one thing that really works in a capitalistic society: our pocketbooks. Don't buy the mag. Don't talk about the mag, and don't talk about the bomber. There's no need to glamorize him or his acts; ignore the cowardly acts because they're not important. Give the scream for attention what it deserves, silence.

In the event that you actually subscribe to the mag, this is your chance to call them and cancel it. Do it, make a point, so what if you lose half of your $9 annual subscription remaining. It will be the best $9 you ever spent. Even if you re-subscribe next month, take a stand for what's right in a way where it will be felt. Loss of revenue and loss of subscribes will make the point clear.  Unfollow them from Twitter, unlike their facebook page.

I'll make it easy for you, this is from their website:

"We want to hear from you! Here's how to get in touch with the Rolling Stone staff:
Rolling Stone
1290 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10104 - 0298
(212) 484-1616

We want to hear from you! Here's how to get in touch with the Rolling Stone staff:
Unfollow Twitter:  @rollingstone on Twitter
Unlike on Facebook: RollingStone on Facebook
Support the foundering USPS by sending RS an actual letter or postcard with a stamp that says, "Your cover sucks, you know which one I'm talking about."

EDIT (7/17/13 - 13:45): Thanks to my uncle John who pointed out that if you cancel your subscription, they'll refund the remainder of the money for unshipped issues.