Monday, November 10, 2014

@SenTedCruz - Displaying a deep knowledge of big issues in a mere 140 characters

I dont know if there's any chance Mr. Cruz reads this, but he should.  His tweet illustrates his ignorance on the subject.  Most likely, one of his aides tweeted it, and he doesn't even know exactly what he just said (but that wouldn't really be different than a politician trying to remember what he said a year ago). Regardless, its his name its tweeted under and is exactly what we don't need in a legitimate debate, rhetoric.  I'll tell exactly what Net Neutrality is not, its not Obamacare, its not the War on Drugs, its not 1000 Points of Light, its not I did not have sex with that woman, and its not No New Taxes.  It has nothing to do with red or blue (or someday hopefully another color so we actually have some choice).  It has everything to do with not letting a business, for whatever reason, be able to Big Brother peoples access to information.  Okay, so they already Big Brother it, but at least let it flow as you monitor it; if I pay for 30mps down, I should get that from wherever I request data from, not just "[Insert your provider] friendly sites".  Lastly, many people dont have options of which provider to use, which makes things worse,  Not having a choice is not freedom.

The Oatmeal attempts to understand the rationale, and gives a bare-bones, simple explanation of what Net Neutrality here.